
The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 16 - Regina

I’m either going to die from embarrassment thanks to Gioia and her lack of a filter or pleasure because, wow, even with his fingers, Ivan makes me feel things I didn’t think were possible. I’ve been exposed to stories of my sister’s and cousins’ sexcapades. So it’s not like I’m a stranger to kinks of all kinds. I didn’t realize I’d be the sort to get off on him watching me get off. Though I don’t think my fingers could or will ever get me off half as well as he does.

Thankfully I didn’t have to hear about Alexander’s conquests. The only time I heard about one was my birthday, and it disgusted me, disgusted me even more when he showed up at my party with the bitch, and she announced they were together. Liar…er Lia is damn lucky I hadn’t gotten my wolf yet. If I had, she’d never have been a problem. My mama and sister held back because they are Betas. I’m only an heir, so it’s no skin off my back if I stoned that trash.

‘Will you stop thinking about that dumb bitch? She’s not in the picture. Your brother wised up to her bullshit. And honestly, he owes our mate a thank you for outing the scum she is.’ Gioia scoffed as I hurried to keep up with Ivan’s strides.

‘Alexander owes him more than that. Which reminds me, I will be calling him and giving him hell for not delivering that notarized document to Ivan.’ I grumbled.

‘You don’t think that bitch could have had anything to do with that, do you?’ Gioia questioned.

‘I doubt it. Alexander wasn’t involved with her back then. But maybe. Who knows how long that vulture had been circling my stupid brother.’ I sighed.

“Since he became Beta,” Ivan stated as he held the door open for me.

I blinked and then blushed, remembering he probably heard everything Gioia and I were saying. I wouldn’t want our bond to mean I can’t surprise him. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to having someone else in my head like that. I’ll have to learn how to control my thoughts.

“You sound so sure.” I frowned as it sank in that he meant Lia had been after my brother from the beginning.

“Knew her and her type,” Ivan said as he led the way to the edge of the gardens.

“And that means?” I arched my brow as he crossed into the forest.

“Power hungry.” Ivan shrugged. “She was Gastone’s mate. For three weeks, even unmarked, boastful about it.”

“So, she was his mate? Why was she never marked?” I furrowed my brow.

“The war,” Ivan explained.

“Oh. But then why did she want my brother? Shouldn’t she and her wolf be furious with Incubi? With Darren, especially for killing Gastone?” I asked as we started to undress and put our clothes in the bags with our party clothes.

“That would imply love.” Ivan scoffed as he wadded his black shirt into the bag.

Fuck me. He is distractingly gorgeous. I don’t think I’ll ever not be distracted when he takes his clothes off—all those muscles. I squeezed my thighs in a failed effort to control my reaction to this attraction. I’m sure he noticed, given the almost missable smile on his lips as he continued to strip.

‘Keep looking at us like a meal, and Gioia won’t be the only one getting fucked in the woods.’ Cain taunted.

I rolled my eyes and forced myself to look away as I slipped out of my sweater dress. I didn’t have to look at him to know he was watching me. And the deep groan told me he appreciated that I wasn’t wearing a bra again. I honestly don’t wear them unless I have to. Two can play that game.

“Anyway. Are you saying she didn’t care about Gastone even though they were mates? It’s not unheard of, but I find it hard to believe that even her wolf wouldn’t hold a vendetta.” I rationalized, shaking my head as I neatly put my dress and cheeky underwear into my bag.

I smirked as I turned around to find Ivan staring at me, pants unzipped but still on like he got distracted. I laughed softly and walked closer. I felt powerful as I heard his breath hitch when I gripped the waistband of his jeans. I looked up and held his gaze as I slid his jeans and underwear down, the fabric making a soft thud in the grass.

“Perhaps we should shift so you’ll be less distracted and more apt at answering my questions,” I suggested, kissing his chest before stepping away.

‘Tease.’ Cain grumbled.

“Oh, just wait till you meet Gioia. Then you’ll know a true tease.” I scoffed and tossed my hair, letting Gioia take control, leaping forward to land on her paws.

She shook out her chocolate brown fur before glancing over her shoulder in time to see Ivan shift. As expected, Cain is massive, certainly larger than an average werewolf or any gamma I’ve seen. Cain is on par with Zio Chesed’s size, and his fur is dark. Of course, there are differences. Cain’s eyes are gold, and the hair around his paws is visibly thinner.

‘Because Ivan has scars from the silver shackles, Cain’s fur reflects it. His neck is probably the same, but the rest of his fur hides it better.’ Gioia sighed sadly.

Gioia didn’t hesitate as she walked directly up to him, licked the scarred skin on his front paw, rubbed her muzzle against his neck, and licked there too. She was right to assume his neck would have a ring of thin fur to match the scar on Ivan’s neck. A low rumble emanated from Cain as he growled, approving her affection. As Cain went to return the affection, Gioia jumped just out of reach.

‘I told you she was the tease.’ I laughed as she scooped up my bag with her muzzle and ran.

‘I don’t mind a chase. But when I catch you, Gioia, it’s our turn to mate.’ Cain promised.

I’m unsure how I feel about that illicit promise, but Gioia liked the prospect. I know I can’t speak against it. They are mates too, and should get to express that as they see fit. I know I will need a distraction when that’s happening.

‘I don’t think any human spirit ever wants to be truly present when their wolves are mating.’ Ivan agreed with me.

‘Then distract me from what they are going to do.’ I suggested.

‘Why would Lia have wanted my brother? Shouldn’t you have hated him as he was in the position her mate should’ve been? Wouldn’t she hold a grudge against everyone, especially Darren, for her mate’s death?’ I asked.

‘I do not know how her mind works. I know she was like Zelma. She only wanted a mate with power. Genuine affection didn’t matter.’ Ivan explained.

‘That’s disgusting.’ I grimaced.

‘There were many like that in Incubi. Bitches chased after my Zio in hopes he’d someday conceded to take a chosen mate. He’d rather die alone than make a bond with anyone not fated to him.’ I scoffed, thinking of the revolving door of pack skanks that offered themselves to my Zio before Crista came into his life.

‘Agreed. And before she knew she was mates with Gastone, Lia had her sights on Ignazio.’ Ivan explained.

‘Now THAT is gross!’ I exclaimed with a shudder at the idea that anyone would willingly touch Icky Iggy.

‘Fair. As for your brother, I can’t say when she targeted him. I just assumed it was from the start as the only single ranked male. I wasn’t surprised by her tactics, only that she thought she could get away with it.’ He said.

‘It was foolish of her to think she could escape it. My brother may be a fool, but he’s not that bad.’ I sighed.

‘Which, I’m far from a friend to your brother. I do not believe what happened regarding my release from house arrest is his fault. I don’t think he would have acted in malice even if he didn’t like me.’ Ivan sighed.

‘But then what could have happened? Why wouldn’t he have given you the letter?’ I frowned, trying to think of any other reason.

‘He did give me an envelope, and I opened it after he left. It was blank. It was sealed so he wouldn’t know its contents without breaking it. So, the blame wouldn’t be on him. Ivan said.

‘Oh, my Goddess! Someone switched the envelope! Who could have or would have done such a thing?’ I pondered.

‘Anyone that works at the pack house. I’ve told you before, Regina, I am not well-liked. I am a war criminal that people see as the last remnants of Ignazio’s rebellion that should be snuffed out. Only for my sister’s sake do people at most feign politeness.’ He sounded so indifferent.

‘Well, that will not stand. I will if my cousin doesn’t get to the bottom of this. And I can promise you this, whoever swapped that official document will spend eternity in stone.’ I vowed.

‘That is unnecessary. You cannot take justice into your own hands. Alpha André would give any punishment as it is his pack. Promise you will leave it to your cousin.’ Ivan rationalized.

‘Fine. I don’t take justice into my own hands. But if my cousin asks for punishment suggestions, I’m not keeping quiet.’ I conceded.

‘I suppose that is the most I can ask for.’ Ivan sighed. ‘And at least our conversation has kept us from acknowledging that Cain just fucked Gioia.’

‘And there you go bursting the bubble and reminding me of that. I’d been successfully ignoring the sounds of them going at it and the feelings that seeped through from her.’ I rolled my eyes.

‘Oh, bite me. We had to backseat it twice while you two were intimate.’ Gioia snorted.

‘We only had sex once.’ I pointed out.

‘Yeah, and then he fingered you in the shower, and you blew him.’ Cain pointed out.

‘Cain shut up.’ Ivan sighed. ‘And give me back control. I can see the Alpha villa up ahead.’

‘Time to swap places, Gioia. You had your fun.’ I agreed.

With some grumbling, Gioia let me take back control before we got too close to the villa. Once in control, we both shifted back and got dressed. I smiled as I slipped my hand into his and led the way to the guest wing of the villa.

My smile faltered momentarily when Valter walked out onto the veranda with two cups of coffee, one he was drinking.

“Welcome back, Regina.” He greeted me with a smile and then frowned at Ivan. “I see you brought him with you.”

“He’s my mate, Valter. Where I go, he goes, and vice versa.” I rolled my eyes.

“And don’t act surprised. You knew he was with me. Not just because last night you knew he was my mate. But you went out of your way to make coffee for me but neglected Ivan despite your ability to perceive who’s nearby.” I shook my head as I went to lead Ivan around Valter.

“Regina, I say this as your friend.” Valter sighed as he set the cups on a table.

“Think of our people. Think of how they will feel if you bring him to our pack.” He said, reaching for my wrist to try and stop me.

His hand didn’t connect as it was engulfed by Ivan’s and bent backward sharply. Ivan growled as his eyes flashed gold. I arched my eyebrow, letting this play out as Valter faltered under the pressure and had to take a knee.

“No.” Ivan snorted as he let Valter go.

The force of Ivan letting him go caused my childhood friend to fall on his ass, clutching his broken wrist. I should feel something about that. Empathy or something similar for Valter’s pain. But all I can think is that he deserved it.


So the plot thickens for how he didn't get the paperwork that proved he was a free man. And Valter, damn it, dude. Stop being an idiot.

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Comments (18)
goodnovel comment avatar
Valter is so dense. He should get over it snd quick.
goodnovel comment avatar
Halter balter valter…
goodnovel comment avatar
Annette Barber
love it what ur next book

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