
Luigi's Stupidity

Alexander brought up the cigarette to his mouth and inhaled, closing his eyes as the tobacco got into his lungs and soothed him…well just a little bit.

It had been so long since he had the urge to smoke but now he just wanted to drown himself in packs of them if they would help with the emotional turmoil he was feeling in that moment.

“So you fucked her, big whoop. The both of you make a great couple anyways,” Luigi snorted, “Why are you acting like someone died?”

Alexander blew out a breath and the smoke along with it and then shook his head.

“You wouldn’t understand,” he said to Luigi as he crushed the cigarette into the ash tray next to him and then leaning back into the armrest of his study’s couch.

He'd been cooped up in there all morning since he left Rain in the cabin.

They had been at it all night, his body not ever getting enough of hers and Rain’s body the most responsive and sexy he’d ever touched.

His body finally tired out in the early hours of the morning, by then
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goodnovel comment avatar
Leslie Dean
They finally get together and he is the one freaking out. HA!! I hope he can get his head together for both their sakes.

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