


Kaya’s POV.

“...whatever it is, I shall not fall for it.” Kyle stops midway in his words, his eyes charging towards me as I enter their room.

My eyes scan their faces, catching the sight of bewilderment there. They couldn’t have expected me to be here.

“What are you doing here?” Kieran asks, his face shifting to one side, unveiling an interrogation born of suspicion. “We hadn’t called for your presence, so speak.”

My throat is dry. It feels like my tongue no longer secretes saliva, and it makes the back of my throat feel like it’s gummed together. The thought scares me, but it’s not like I’m bothered anyway.

I’m drunk.

I’m free.

My laugh is hysterical and hypocritical. “What am I doing here? You sound like an ass-wipe.”

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