

The 5th Dimension (The Demonworld)

A hand ran through Veronica's face and she surrendered to it. She couldn't remember the last time she was held like this, it almost felt like a dream. Maybe it was. Her consciousness must be in one of her dream planes because she was back with Geronimo.

"Veronica. Hey, wake up." He said. But his voice was different. Veronica frowned. Something was wrong with her dream. Wait...dream? Why was she dreaming? Demons don't dream...

Veronica jerked, opening her eyes. "Latte," she whispered at the face looking down at her. She sat up, feeling disoriented, "What--what happened? Where are we?"

Veronica looked around her. They were in a cell. The Pocket. Was she back in The Pocket? She had gotten out, didn't she? No, it was so much worse than that. The Pocket's cells were pristine white and didn't have a particular smell. This one stank of sulfur and ichor of gold and blue-black ran on like a fountain on its walls and onto the floor.

Veronica looked at
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