
Chapter 75

With her mind travelling a mile a minute and her sight obscured by all the tears, coupled with the burning sensation in her heart, Beth didn't know where she was going. Turning down numerous corners and evading everything that moved, she came to a white door and barged in. Catching herself late, she winced, scolded herself under her breath and turned to apologize to the occupant of the room when she saw the mysterious old man who had spoken to her in the hall.

Turning to see who had entered his room, he looked her over... And smiled warmly.

"I am so sorry," she rushed out. "I didn't mean to come in like that--"

"What's the matter?" His head tilted to the side.

Beth paused, blinked and turned away. "I'll just go. I'm sorry."


She froze then. Where? Her erect shoulders quivered. Slowly, she shook her head.

"Stay. I insist. Come sit here."

Biting her lower lip in contemplation, she threw her head back and let out a groan, then turned.

"Come," he beckoned, his smile ever present.
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