
Chapter 90

The next day…

Stepping out of the shower, Beth stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. Really looked at herself. The phases of her life flashed before her mind’s eye like a slideshow, going from her happy moments to her sad ones, over to her joyous and ugly ones, and in all those moments, one thing remained constant. Though it shone brighter at certain times, it was always there. An ever-present friend and ally.


There through thick and thin and rough and smooth, her determination had always remained steady. Standing out like a beam in the midst of all the gloom and ache, it never deserted her. Always present.

Much like it was present right then.

Elizabeth took a deep look into her eyes and smiled a small smile at herself. While there was doubt, gut folding anxiety and the borderline traumatic fear of embarrassing herself, there was also willingness, interest, excitement and a great desire that far outweighed the fear. It had been over a mo

Hey, guys. So... I got my tooth taken out... Messed me up, sore! Lol. I'll try to edit and post as quickly as i can, distract me from the pain and keep you all entertained. Pray, people!!! These are trying times indeed. God bless you all.

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