
So Close!

The next day, Noah woke up early and cleaned up his room which was a mess. He got ready to go to campus. When he came out of his room, he saw the other boys had come in the early morning.

"Good Morning, Noah. Are you going to the campus this early?" A boy asked.

"Yeah, I have some things to do '' Noah greeted them and left the house.

It was a little early that day. So he decided to wait for others while reading a book he picked up yesterday. So he decided to go to his classroom. His class was in upstairs. So he had to walk the stairs to go to his class.

When he took his first step, he heard a crying sound. It was like someone shouting in pain. So Noah walked fast to see who it was. When he was about to take the next step, something rolled down the stairs. It was coming his way.

He didn't see what that was. But after some time he realised that it was a person. And he was the person who shouted in pain a moment ago. But Seemed like Noah had a bad time. Noah also fell down with the person who was rolling down. But Noah skillfully stopped himself from going further down. Even though he was able to save himself, he couldn't catch that person. So he ended up stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey! Are you okay?"

Noah ran down ignoring his scratches.

"Mmmm...Aaah...My hand!" When Noah turned over him to see his face, Noah was stunned.

He was the one who threatened Michel over the notebook. Noah recognised him so easily because of that scene.

"Shall I call an ambulance?" When he was bleeding Noah couldn't resist that. He was anxious even though he had a little hatred toward him. But he was not a heartless one.

"No, no, I don't want to. I can- can go by myself"

He ignored Noah and tried to stand up alone. But Noah helped him. When he stood up he shook off Noah's hand and headed away. It was like he wanted to get away from Noah for a particular reason.

Noah didn't even get a chance to ask him what happened. But since he acted like this, he didn't want to know about that. He stroked the scratch in his hand and continued to walk to his class.

He thought that there wouldn't be anyone in the class since it was early morning. If someone was there then he would have given attention to that boy's screams for sure. He didn't believe that the people here would be that heartless to ignore an accident like that.

But seeing someone in class studying made him shocked. There was a boy in the classroom and he was reading a book peacefully. Noah couldn't believe someone really ignored an injured person.

But seeing the person made him even more surprised and kinda disappointed. The boy who was reading a book peacefully in the class was Michel. He was totally unaware of Noah's existence at that moment.


Noah called him, but no reaction.

"Michel?" Noah called him again. But that's when he saw the earphones hanging down. He was listening to something while reading the book. That's why he couldn't hear anything.

When Noah patted him, he was surprised and took off his earphones.

"Noah! You are also early today"

He said with a smile, but Noah's whole mood was ruined in the morning thinking about the accident. He couldn't help but to suspect Michel because of a lot of reasons.

But when he saw him couldn't even hear him calling, his mind was kinda relieved. Because he didn't want to suspect him for anything.

"Yeah! I didn't expect you to be early too"

Noah sat down and took out his book.

That's when Michel saw the bruises on his hand. He stopped what he was doing and grabbed Noah's hand.

"What happened?"He asked while checking the wounds.

"Ah! It's nothing serious. I just met an accident in the morning" He didn't want to tell furthermore. He was scared if he told something, he would have to suspect Michel and would be restless because of this.


He asked while taking something out of his bag.

There were plasters. Seemed like he was carrying them everywhere. He used all of them on Noah. Noah thanked him and continued to read the book.

But soon after he couldn't concentrate on his work when he saw the notebook in Michel's hand. That was the book which was taken away by the boy who fell down the stairs. But how did it come to his hands right after the accident happened? Was it a coincidence?

Noah was helpless. He couldn't bear it anymore. He stopped what he was doing and turned to Michel.

"When did you get the notebook back?"

He asked while pointing at it.

"Ah! He gave it to me in the morning."

Michel said innocently because he still didn't know Noah was suspecting him for pushing down the boy to take revenge.

"Did he come here?"

Noah asked as if he was surprised.

"Yes, He came and gave it to me," He said casually and started reading again. But when Noah turned to his book again there was a smirk on Michel's face.


Noah was right. It's Michel who pushed down the boy. He didn't want to just wait and see that arrogant guy threatening him. When he got the chance he took the lead and made the boy feel regretful and even threatened him not to tell anyone. So that accident became a secret between Michel and that boy.

Michel didn't expect Noah to come early. So he used earphones and successfully fooled Noah.

Since there was nothing different, Noah also let go of that soon thinking it was useless. After some time, the class became crowded. So both of them didn't have the time or a mind to think about it. Eventually, the scene dissappeared from their minds.

Michel's character was the total opposite of how he was now. He was a playboy. He was a cruel person. He was so ambitious and never became the second of anything, only the first. He had his rules. Never rely on others. And because of them he never became second. That was his speciality. But in the end, he had to act like this because of some reason.

"Did you read the books we bought yesterday?"

Michel asked Noah in a casual friendly way.

"Mm... I have more"

Noah was getting bored of the class and he was sleepy. He fell asleep in the class and it was also on Michel.

His head fell to Michel's shoulder and he didn't even know the whole class was watching them. Michel didn't know what to do. He didn't want to either wake him up or push him away. So he just stayed still, letting him borrow his shoulder.

Michel could feel the fragrance of Noah's long hair. He felt Noah's hair was itchy and he adjusted his hair slowly so he wouldn't wake up.

At that time the teacher had already left after finishing the class. So only a few students were left in the class. They also left the classroom leaving this sleeping couple alone.

Michel took off his glasses and took a look at Noah's sleeping face. Noah's face was so attractive. Michel slowly moved his hand to touch Noah's face because Michel who likes to have pretty and weak boys as his partners was addicted to cuties. Seemed like he had found his next partner. But Michel felt like it was far more than making him his partner.

Michel felt like he was feeling strange about Noah when compared to his early partners. The feeling was different. It was not the same. But he had no idea what it was. He stopped his hand and controlled himself. He respected Noah because he was the only one who treated him in casual way even when he was acting like a weird nerd.

He knew anyone wouldn't approach him if he acted like a nerd and weirdo. But surprisingly, Noah didn't find anything strange about him and treated him in the usual way. So Michel had a special place for Noah in his heart.

When Michel was in a daze thinking about the differences between Noah and his early partners, Noah was waking up. He found out that he was supported by Michel and immediately retreated.

"I'm sorry. I was careless"

Noah apologized to Michel, making him feel even more special about Noah.

"It's okay, Shall we go then?" He asked Noah, but his heart was beating so fast because he didn't expect Noah to be that seductive. His eyes were still sleepy but more attractive than how it was normal. Noah's cheeks were slightly red. Noah was truly beautiful.

As a boy who loved to play with beauties, Michel's mind was in chaos. He couldn't believe he really controlled himself from touching Noah. Actually, he had no idea what made him so different.

"Yeah, Let's go"

Both of them left the class together. When they were about to pass the campus gate, Noah felt a danger. He didn't know why. But he felt it. He looked around to see whether something was wrong. But he didn't find anything unusual until he saw a van stop in front of them.

"Catch him!" The one who got out of the car shouted. Some more people got out of the car at the same time. Noah knew it was not something good. He grabbed Michel's hand and ran with him.

At that time, he didn't forget to look more into the van. That's when he saw the man with a scar who was sitting in the front and who was watching Noah with a surprised look.

Noah was terrified. He knew that person. He started to tremble. Michel felt him trembling even though they were running. So Michel grabbed Noah's hand back and ran faster.

The man with the scarred face was also someone Noah couldn't forget. But that face was familiar to him without the scar. He was related to his past life directly.

In his past life, the one who was dragging his brother on the floor was this man.

The one who killed his brother, Bruce!!!

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