
Bit By Bit

Julia sighed softly, her fingers nervously intertwining. She met Ariana's gaze, her eyes reflecting uncertainty and hesitation. "No, Ariana," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of sadness, "I don't think I like him."

Ariana furrowed her brows, studying Julia intently. "Then why are you feeling so conflicted? If you don't like him, what's causing all this internal struggle?" she pressed, concerned for her friend.

Julia took a deep breath, her shoulders slumping slightly as she prepared to share her inner turmoil. "I understand why you might think that Ariana, but it's not about me liking him," she explained, her voice softening. "It's just... complicated."

Ariana leaned in closer, her curiosity growing. "Complicated? How so?"

Julia's gaze dropped to her hands, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on her lap. "Well, it's true that Kelvin has expressed his interest in me," she began, her voice wavering, "but there are other factors at play. I know him well, and I care about our b
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