
10| Arnica.

Did he truly just say that he was only mine to hate?

What a douche.

I avert my gaze from Maverick, determined not to let him catch me being fixated on his ass as he exits the room.

I then proceed to tidy up the mess in the kitchen and I can still feel a tingling sensation on the spot where he kissed my forehead.

I despise the sensation of his touch as if my body is on the verge of liquefying under his grasp.

Despite his murderous nature and the likely sinister origins of this house, there is an undeniable allure that surrounds him and the dark history of this place.

It’s most likely built and furnished from blood money.

Knowing this and being around him, I can’t deny that I feel drawn to him like a moth to a flame – a moth that gets off on being burnt.

It shouldn’t surprise me that he is a killer.

I mean... Matthias used to tell me stories of the devastation Maverick was capable of leaving behind in his wake. And a large part of me at the time was hoping that Matthias was exaggerat
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