


I stroked my crimson face as I left the room because I was feeling like a tornado with my emotions churning like a storm at sea. My stride was quick, expressing both my anger and my resolve to put the incident behind me. As soon as I arrived at the grass, the cool air felt against my skin. The sensation of the soft grass beneath her feet was calming as soon as I stepped on it.

I inhaled deeply, attempting to quiet my beating heart and the flurry of ideas running through my head. My eyes strayed to one of the house's windows as Audrina continued onto the lawn. I saw a reflection of myself through the glass. My face turned scarlet. Even though it was obvious from looking at me that I was furious, I felt as though I wasn't. I couldn't help but wrinkle my forehead in perplexity. "What is wrong with me?" I whispered to myself, not even raising my voice above a whisper.

I was supposed to be furious with James, resentful of his actions and the mark he had left on me. Yet, there was
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