
Fucked over

Alpha Luciano's POV.

Since my parents' death, I have never been more scared in my entire life.

Arabella was still unconscious, her body hooked to an IV. I let my hand drift to her belly. My child. I was going to become a father.

My hand trembled and I was surprised to feel my eyes water. Since that day, I had never cried. I wasn't weak, I was strong, I was fury, I was rage made flesh, and I was going to be a father within a span of months.

I swore the doctor to secrecy but the news would eventually spread because a pregnancy couldn't be hidden for long.

Uncle Tommaso and I had spoken about it. About how I needed an heir and soon. In theory, it was pretty clinical and straightforward. Fuck around, get an heir and move on with my life having satisfied the demands of the pack.

But seeing Arabella's dark hair strewn over the pillow, her eyes shut and her lips drawn into a pout, and my child growing inside her, I felt something thaw within me.

I felt guilty. Guilty for all I had done t
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Kasey N Adam Swearengin
Thank you for the update! Hopefully he can keep Arabella and his pup safe. Curious how she will take the news

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