
Sneaky rat

Liana's P.O.V

I paced back and forth in Kayla's bedroom while the family doctor that had been called administered to her. I didn't know why but Connor's mom had specifically called for the doctor who was the one that shared the good news about Kayla's pregnancy.

Conan's mother claimed that she was more comfortable with the doctor since she goes to him for her monthly checkups and that was why she called for him instead of the family doctor.

Different thoughts bugged my mind as I gnawed on my fingers.

"Why did Connor mention that I help people that always shatter me in return? Does he know that I have been the one helping Bruce Lawrence all along and how does he even know? Could it be Kayla who told him" I thought to myself, glancing at Kayla who lay peacefully on the bed while Connor rubbed her on the hand slowly?

If Kayla were to be awake, I was sure that she would have bit his hands off for daring to touch her.

I took in a deep breath in a bid to calm my nerves and the rate at whic
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