


The silent hoofs of horses cracked against the hardened bronze floor of the Asgard towering building, as Christopher peered out of the window of his wagon that cold evening. It had been a quiet day and after staying out of everyone sight for the entire time he had stayed indoors he decided the decided the night was out there for him to over power.

Chris picked out a pub at the edge of town where only the rich Vampires ventured , after tossing a coin for a boy to watch over his wagon he stepped into the pub that had dim red lights and a beautiful woman singing.

His eyes fell upon her as soon as he stepped into the pub, ravaging every curves on her body with his piercing dark eyes and when the woman had caught him staring she did herself no good by letting her eye's linger in the devil himself while singing and fixing him with a sly gaze occasionally.

He knew immediately she would be an easy catch and so after she had finished singing and was resting on a table n
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