


Fate they say has a pathway , a course laid down for men to follow in the fufillment of their destiny but for a man like Melvin Asgard he had never been one to believe in fate , he had never been the type of man to believe in the willful force of destiny. To him there were no presumed force to predetermine the inevitable thing's that happened to an individual and so the sudden appearance of Susan did made him realize he had been missing out alot of things not withstanding his belief in fate. He was now a believer in fate but he was also aware fate can be screwed .

Susan appearance screwed fate , the little fair child with so much resemblance to her mother except the burentte hair screwed fate really good , to everyone they saw her gift differently . They had seen her paintings as a mere work of art , a gift but to Melvin he saw this gift as a blue print to cheating fate.

Susan gift was alot different from that of Claire her mother, while Claire only saw glimpse
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