

Khloe had been waiting for the man to lean a bit more closer so she would at least coach on how to talk to ladies and he he did ,he leaned in closer he must either be drunk or mad or probably both .

Just as Khloe was about to transition quickly and unleash her wolf ,Kyra ,at him what she least expected happened she saw Susan eyes turn deep red as she rushed at the man from behind with a milleseconds speed , she leaped on the man back gripping his neck with an abnormal strength for her age as he tries to wrestle her down and just when thought she had seen it all she saw Susan fang flash in the sunlight as she dug it deep into the man's neck sucking out his blood ,she kept on sucking till the went went one knee then two knees , till he fell flat on the floor.

Khloe watched as she wiped the blood away from her mouth with the back of her hands and looked straight into her eyes like as if possessed.

"Fuck! ." Khloe muttered under her breath not remembering where she heard the wo
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