



Alpha Lincoln stared at me stunned. For a moment, he looked as if he did not know what to say until her told me, "Tame your tone, Montana, know your place."

He growled lowly, "Know. Your. Damn. Place!"

I know I was at the brim of tears, I felt so much anger but this was not the place or time, "I will be leaving, you can bring the kids back with you later", I turned and started leaving.

I was already with all my stuff, so need to stop at where I was seated.

"Montana you are not leaving until we are all done, especially me", Alpha Lincoln said stopping me in my track.

I turned and looked at, "Well, I am done, and I am leaving, you are free to fuck anyone in pants here, free tables to lay them on, you are free dear Alpha Lincoln," I said to him mockingly, turned and left.

I heard him calling out to me, "MONTANA!", I know I should listen because I had too but I just, I just needed to leave.

I was not sure if anyone has noticed our little a
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