
65. Kaden

"What plan?"

"It was put in motion only after Iridessa got pregnant. The witch helped them turn one baby into two then they put the second baby in Celosia"

"What do you mean by turn?"

Merlin shakes his head "They were keeping an eye on Iridessa and knew she was pregnant before she herself did. So they took the fertilized egg and split it into two. Celosia carried the second one and gave birth to Camden"

"So what you mean to say is that Camden is my twin brother?"

"Yes and no. You look alike but Celosia is his birth mother. There is no way you two are twins. Lycans have never given birth to twins because our genes are incapable of producing twins. The fact that you survived only goes to show how strong you are"

This is ridiculous. How could someone use witchcraft to steal a baby? But it also explains how he was able to approach Sophia and erase her memories. If we do look alike, then she must have thought it was me. Which means, if he wants to, he can continue seeing her while pret
Siobhan JK

Ahem, it was Sophia's idea. Not mine 🥺

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Now, Siobhan. Don’t be Leander! Do did camden do something and frame Soohia or controlled her mind so that she killed someone??

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