
Fifty Four


I was heading to the dorm and walked past the stone pathway, empty at this time of the evening.

Most students were having a siesta in their dorm except for the soccer players having their practice.

Speaking of soccer players. It was surreal that Vlad smiled at me in class. He fucking smiled and it did many things to my body.

My legs came to a sudden stop when Vlad was approaching me, dressed in his soccer outfit and holding a jar of what I suspected was blood.

He locked a grin on me, beaming and throwing me off balance.

"Hi, Nova. I looked for you everywhere but didn't see you."

Uneasy, my mind raced to search for answers wondering why he was suddenly being nice to me.

"Is there a problem?"

He wagged his head. "No, not at all. I wanted us to spend some time alone. "

Well, I'll be damned...

A sudden tightness squeezed my chest and suspected that Vlad was up to something.

Not only did he smile at me all day but now he was stopping me to talk to me, wanting us to spend time togeth
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