
Bonus #1: April's Fool



First of all, happy fool’s day!

This chapter has nothing to do with the main story; consider it a parallel universe; it is an extra, hence free.

This is my appreciation for the support you have shown me thus far. I am looking forward to hearing your response to this bonus chapter; let me know if it is something you would like to read more of occasionally, perhaps during some holidays or if the bonus is negatively affecting your relationship with the main plot (Again, think of this as a parallel universe, it is not part of the plot).

Quick disclaimer this chapter bears a consent trigger warning.

Please Note:

1. The continuation of the bonus depends on your response.

2. The bonus chapters will always be free.

3. The regular chapters resume tomorrow

As always, thank you for reading!

Undercover_Ostritch (Ostrich Ostrich)



The director’s call rings in the hall, causing the atmosphere of the stage to lose its magic.

Rhett’s turn to me is fast, perhaps too fast for one doing a scene where he met his mate, but again, he has been fond of me since the production of ‘Bound to my Wicked Stepbrother’ started.

“Hey, juice breath.”

His taunt is childish, but when a nobody actress gets a nickname, no matter how hideous, from an established B-list celebrity, you take it.

“Are you done for the day?”

He nods in answer to my question as he stops before me, a smirk on his lips.

I still have one more scene to shoot before I can get out of this tight bulky dress that feels like a fire hazard.

“Good for you. I’m running on four hours of sleep, a high from three cups of coffee and literal fumes.”

I respond, stepping back from him, only my back bumps into something hard and warm.

“Oh, sor-”

My words halt in my throat.

The silver eyes glaring down at me seem to hold me in place.

All the characters in the film hold the same name as their actor, the director’s choice; something about names enabling an actor to tap into their true potential—I don’t know; personally, I think they are nuts.

They do not understand how it feels to have such a sexy bulky man utter your name like a prayer, over and over, as they grind into you to simulate the illusion of sex for the cameras.

Still, for the duration Marko and I have been co-stars in the production, he barely utters more than a sentence to me, merely glares as if I am beneath him when I enter his field of view, like now.

Then again, he and Magnolia, another actress, are the only A-listers in this production; perhaps, like Magnolia, he feels his skills are wasted paired with a no-name up-and-coming actress.

I feel like I should apologise for being the main lead.


Marko utters, the deepness of his voice reminding me of our scene in the library.

He was hard; I felt him.

At some point, I swear he pressed me purposefully against his erection…I nearly came.

Shit, I should ask for the panties back; that improvision was a little too nutty on my part too.

“Sorry, I am fine; I think I am more tired than I thought, but it’s just one more scene before we take a break, right?”

 He doesn’t respond to my small talk; not even a polite smile touches the lips that had licked me while calling my name.


I clear my throat and turn back to Rhett.

“I’ll see you tomorrow; I’d better get ready for the next scene, maybe wipe some of the juice off me before morning comes and I start attracting bees.”

Rhett laughs.

“Probably best, but I can wait for you; you still owe me a drink, remember?”

“It will be late.”

Marko’s sultry voice comments.

“Don’t drink with men when you are tired if you want to go anywhere in the entertainment industry. All you’ll cause is a scandal.”

Unbelievable! His first time actually saying more than six words to me outside of his lines, and it is a critique of something I haven’t even agreed to.

Still, I smile in response; I don’t need a bad review from an A-lister that can end my non-existent career.

“Jesus, man…”

Rhett presses, but Marko gazes at something in the distance before leaving both of us mid-conversation.

I can’t help but follow his frame as he leaves.

“Earth to Alba.”

Rhett calls, but my gaze spots my make-up artist.

“Ah- there is Janine, I should go see her for a touch-up before Marko, and I must leave the venue for filming. I’ll see you next time?”



“Hey, what’s the hold-up?”

The driver heaves a sigh of relief at my sight.

“The director thinks we are already on the way.”


I prod, adjusting my coat on my frame as I walk toward him in the empty parking space.

I feel fresher now that the juice’s stickiness is no longer on my body.

“And that was twenty minutes ago; I can’t reach Marko. Please, Alba, I can’t lose this job, but I nearly got fired the last time I entered his trailer.”

“So, you’d prefer I get fired?”

“You are a lead; you can’t get fired for calling him; that’s insane.”

What’s ‘insane’ is his suggestion.

But fine, I do not want the director to regret choosing me for the scene.

My march to his trailer is longer than I expect. While mine was in a general area, the placement for his looked more well thought out.

The trees around are arranged in such a way that offers him a view to die for. Unfortunately, though I adore their existence, they rustle too wildly under the wind’s force, drowning my voice as I call to him.


No answer.

“Marko, we need to go.”

Again, nothing.

He…couldn’t have OD’ed, could he?

It is not a foreign concept for a celebrity to do drugs, but wouldn’t it cost us the production if he overdoses in his trailer?

Oh God! I might have to go back to drowning in obscurity, living paycheck to paycheck until I can find another gig as big as this one.

My pounding on the door is due to my desperation, but it causes the improperly hooked door latch to unhook.

The door slides slightly open, allowing me a slit view of his glamourous trailer; I want to admire it more, but rough sounds call my attention to Marko, splayed beautifully on his dark blue couch, his c*ck in hand, while his other holds my panties.

A stillness I can only associate with shock holds my body captive.

His hand lifts the garment, pressing it to his nose, where he inhales so deeply that I shudder. His stroke against his shaft increases, causing a groan to escape his lips.

I should leave and permit him the dignity of finishing in private, but his pressing of the inner portion of the panties to his mouth causes a gasp to escape me, revealing my presence.

His gaze lifts to meet mine, and while I struggle to find words that would excuse me in the stillness that follows, his hand moves again, stroking himself faster with his gaze trained on me.

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