
Bonus #2.1: Daylight

“Marko, I-”

“Take it off.”

He utters.


"Oh, you prefer I f*ck you with it on?"

A breath escapes me.

"What? No, no…you won't be f*cking me, with or without it."

"So…you only used me in the scene to masturbate; hardly fair?"

"That's-I didn't! Y-you used my panties to-"

Why is he coming near me?

“Ah, not only did you use me to m*sturbate, but you also watched me in my trailer.”

“You are twisting…what happened.”

Why does every word out of my mouth sound like an excuse?

And when in the hell did he back me into my dressing table?

“Wait, I-”

His hands work to open my robe’s sash, but I turn away from him before he can peer through my naked flesh.

A mistake, I realise all too soon when I am met with our reflections in the mirror.

His hand slides to my neck while the other slides the robe off me, all while his gaze in the mirror holds me hostage.

“Spread your legs.”

I comply.

Something must be wrong with me that I can willingly offer myself to someone I have barely talked with.

He pulls something from his pocket, tears it open and places a condom wrapper on the table attached to the mirror as if to assure me of the direction this will take.

I swallow dryly, maintaining a submissive stillness as his hand fumbles with something on my ass, before something warm and hard teases my entrance.

Sh*t, he is big…

I know I am wet but maybe-

Before my thoughts take off, I feel my folds stretch painfully to take him in.

“Wait- wai-”

His hand on my neck turns my gaze to the mirror.

“Rub your cl*t, small circles.”

He instructs.

“Or you could give me a break...slow down?”

Through the mirror, I see his smile grow, the fingers of his hand forcing my gaze to the mirror slide into my mouth to rub its roof, a part none has ever told me could make one moan, yet my knees nearly buckle at the odd sensation flooding me.

“A break? No.”

He punctuates the end of his sentence with a sudden thrust into me, fitting his whole length so suddenly that my eyes nearly bulge out of their socket in the amalgamated pain and pleasure.


“Touch your front, Alba.”

I do as he instructed, rubbing circles on the small nub until the pain yielded beautifully.

His pull out of my slit makes me shudder, but he doesn’t leave me lonely for long, for he thrusts into me again.

“Rub faster, Alba.”

He orders, uttering my name in a way that reminds me of all the scripted sex scenes.

Perhaps the confusion is why I comply with his instructions that, bring forth a dangerous tingle within me that grows magnified by his steady rock in and out of my wet and needy flesh.

“S-slow down.”

I whisper; I have never had sex standing up; I feel like my legs will give in.

“Slow down?”

He repeats, before stopping completely, to readjust me so that one of my hands can support me with the wall and my right leg can rest on the mirror’s table before sliding into me again.

His thrusts pick up faster and deeper within my folds; even my own rubbing could not keep up with the dangerously fast looming orgasm on the horizon.

“Wait, wait…slow d-down.”

I instruct, and he stills his motions.

“Do you feel that?”

My whole slit throbs, clenching against him as he tries to pull out of me.

"See how badly you want my cock inside you; you keep begging me not to let go...I'm only complying."

He slams back into me so hard that a moan escapes me.

"Take it as I give you, hmn? Don’t be sucking me in like a starved little succubus and asking me to slow down; you have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to sink into you.”

His fingers leave my mouth to force my gaze back to the mirror.

The lust in my flesh is obvious, my eyes are teary and shrouded in lust, but he is the same.

My eyes flutter shut in anticipation of my coming undone.

“Eyes on me, or I stop f*cking you.”

Christ, he is so vulgar!

Still, with a frown on my brows as my only form of resistance, I force my gaze to meet his in the mirror.

How…can someone maintain such intense eye contact in such an act?

I do not have time to ponder this as the building within me explodes, quivering my knees that he is forced to support my stomach hastily so that I do not pool on the floor.

As I find my footing, I clench my thighs tightly against his staff as the spasms of my orgasm rock through my tired flesh; before I barely settle, he thrusts into me again.

“Wait, wait- I’m sensitive.”

“I haven’t cum yet, Alba. Bear with me; I’ll be f*cking you till daylight.”

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