
Chapter 6

Aurora's POV

"What is that supposed to mean?" I demand, my anger getting so strong that I have to make a conscious effort not to scream so no one hears me.

Thankfully, the rest of my family and Mason seem to be too busy laughing and enjoying each other's company to ever notice that some unknown pervert is calling me right now.

I know it would be easier to just put the phone down and stop the conversation right then and there, but I want to just stop it right here and right now. I'm just so done with this, and perhaps if I keep the conversation long enough, I would recognize the voice and identify whoever this is.

"You are not my destiny," I tell him in a cold whisper. "I don't know you. And if you have the balls, maybe you should show up and just get this over with."

The man from the other line lets out a laugh, and this time, he sounds truly amused that his laughter softens into a somewhat boyish sound that triggers something in me.

As though knowing this, the man's voice once again
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