
Chapter 64

Writer's pov

Eleanor sat in a dark room, surrounded by five policemen. She was cuffed to the iron table and they have been asking her the same questions over again but she did not answer. She recalled Harrison's face when he saw her, he looked at her like he had no idea who she was.

She was dragged out, embarrassed, and called different names. If only she hadn't left her seat to talk with some random, stranger who claimed to be her schoolmate. She could have followed her gut and left when she sensed that something was wrong.

They pointed fingers at her and called her a murderer, a killer, and all sorts that she had never imagined she'd be called. She wasn't hopeless, she just regretted being so nice. She remembered how Mary slit her throat, whoever made her that way deserves to die. This was suicidal but she had been caught right in the scene. No one would believe anything she says or does.

How could Harrison have done that to her? She wasn't surprised though, she noticed how he ha
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