
Part 1: Chapter 14


At 10 am, Nikolai let me know that he might be late, and it was 3 pm when Alpha Cain called me over the mind link. Nikolai is not going to like it one bit, but I did try to call him to let him know that I had to leave his penthouse. Alpha Cain is back in town and has asked to meet with the pack because something had happened last night. By the sounds of it, it’s something terrible.

There’s a melancholy air when I walk inside, no one is looking up, and Alpha Cain is pacing the floor up front. He looks up when he hears me entering, then breathes out a sigh.

“Is that everyone?” he asks, and we all look around. Wait, how can this be everyone when three are missing?

“Rook, Bishop and Estelle are not here, Alpha,” I speak up, and everyone turns to me with horrified expressions. “What?” I ask with a red face and shrug.

Alpha Cain sighs again and pinches the bridge of his nose. “We’re gathered here this afternoon because two of our members are dead and one missing, also presumed dea
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