
Chapter 50

Celia felt the warmth in her tummy and the little blip in her heart when she saw him come to the door to greet her before sheÕd even turned the car off. She tried keeping the sappy smile off her face but failed miserably as she climbed out of the car and made her way towards him.

Riley lounged in the doorway with his shoulder propped against the jamb and watched her coming towards him. Sometimes, like now, he realizes just how fucking gorgeous she is, and it gets him in the gut each and every time. The thing that he likes most about it is that she doesnÕt seem to know.

Celia felt gauche and unsure of herself as she reached him and stood there, not knowing what to do with herself. Give her a dead body, and sheÕs right at home in her element. But having a man look at her like that, especially this man, the one sheÕs been crushing on since moving to the little town, and sheÕs all thumbs and stumbling feet. Right now, she couldnÕt even seem to find her tongue.

Riley sn
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