
Chapter 60

ÒSay, do you think maybe weÕre looking at this thing all wrong? Maybe our victim wasnÕt chosen personally; maybe the killing was just a matter of convenience like she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. You know, random.Ó

ÒWhat makes do you say that?Ó Detective Sparks didnÕt pick her head up from the notes sheÕd been perusing for the last half an hour or so when she answered Officer Bailey.

ÒWell, so far we havenÕt found anything among her personal belongings that gives us any indication that sheÕs met with anyone whoÕd want to do something like that to her. And look at the way she was laid out, didnÕt it strike you as some kind of ritualistic killing?Ó

ÒOr the killer couldÕve wanted us to think just that, throw us off the scent.Ó

ÒBut, nothing else seems to gel. There isnÕt even a hint of anything to go on, to tie Melissa Sherry to someone whoÕs capable of something like this. Think about it. She grew up here, lived her whole life here, never traveled bey
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