
Meeting you again, my Ex-Husband

The park seemed to cocoon them in a bubble of shared vulnerability, and for a moment, the weight of their individual struggles lifted. In that quiet space, they rediscovered the solace they once found in each other's presence.

After a while, Felix pulled away, wiping away his tears with a grateful smile. Marianne offered him a small, understanding smile in return. The unspoken connection between them lingered, transcending the complexities of their past.

"I didn't expect to find you here," Felix admitted, his voice raw with emotion.

Marianne managed a small smile, "Me too. I didn't expect this."

Felix took a deep breath, his gaze searching Marianne's eyes. "Thank you for being here, Marianne. It means more than you know."

Marianne smiled, "You're always welcome, Felix."

"By the way," she looked at him. "I heard mother was discharged. How is she?"

"She's fine, Felix. Don't worry about her because she's well and healthy."

Felix nodded, a sense of relief washing over him. "I'm gl
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