
Chapter Fifty Nine


The Samoan woman was looking at me like she just won the national lottery and I was the big fat check the officials handed her.

“My, what an impression you are going to make on the guests, my, an impression indeed!” Yolanda whispered cryptically, her eyes bulging as she eyed me up and down before I rolled my eyes, tired of shifting from foot to foot awkwardly.

”Yolanda, yoo-hoo, eyes up here!” I groaned and the woman snapped her eyes up to me, before flashing me an amused smile, as if to say my impatience was cute but that she was still going to take her sweet, darling time.

I watched exasperated as the buxom woman made odd gurgling noises in her throat as she circled me, tucking taffeta purple lace in and plucking it out in some places before her large hands settled on the exposed top of my breasts and I stifled the back-handing that had straightened my palm.

“What the hell Yolanda?” I screeched, struggling to shimmy away from the u smiling woman until she snapped up he
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