
Chapter Forty Four


“Nola! No!” I bellowed, leaping up to the carriage with a loud thunk to grip the woman's hand a second too late before she brought the sword down on the creature’s neck and I watched on in horror, my hands going around her waist and pulling her away a split second before I heard the loud snapping of the creature’s mouth falling closed, the sound of teeth connecting with flesh.

“Nola!” I gasped as blood spurted from both extremities, one the black gooey ink of the creature’s substance, and the other was the thick viscose of werewolf blood.

I felt it, the point when the chaos on the dirty path deadened to silence, and all eyes turned to face us as the creature fell to the dust path with a thundered gurgle, the slack mountain of its ashy jaws falling open to reveal the large stalagmites of yellowed canines with the hint of a stub of pale neck flesh peeking through the gaps in its teeth.

The girl went rigid in my hands, before doubling over to vomit over the sill of the carri
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