


For some reason, I was relieved about not having the night I expected with Ethan when I woke the next morning. He and Deza were already gone, which gave me time to pace the floor for a little while. I knew it would feel good, no more like great, to spend the night in his arms, to feel him owning every part of me, but I was scared.

Like fucked up scared.

I picked up the phone and called Charlotte. Jace would have been a better choice for the conversation at hand, but he'd turned mushy on me. There was no talking with him about Ethan.

"Hey. You okay? Having fun?" Charlotte sounded chipper.

Good. I need chipper.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just needed to hear your voice." I pressed my fingers to my forehead and continued to tear up the carpet in front of the window. "I just... Shit. I don't know."

"Uh oh. Did something happen?"

"Yes. No." I stopped and pulled the curtain back. The film crew was setting up, which meant I had very little time left before they would expect me downstairs. "Befor
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