
Drama Queens


"Where is Ethan?" Liam, Ethan's older brother, called back to us from the grill.

"No clue." I stood up and smiled, feeling like everything was right with the world for the moment. Ethan and I were going to spend the night in each other's arms. What that meant for the future was still fuzzy, but irrelevant. I needed him like a freezing man needs a small fire, and something told me that he needed me just as well. "You need something?"

"Lots of things, but I'd get in trouble for listing them in front of you. My brother seems to have taken a liking to you." Liam wagged his eyebrows, making him impossibly cute in his own way. He wasn't his brother, but I could easily see why someone would be attracted to him.

I glanced back at my best friend, Charlotte and Liam's buddy, Cole. They were laughing over something and lost in their own world.

Liam's voice was closer, pulling me from my thoughts. "You wanna come grab a platter and hold it for me while I pull everything off the grill?"

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