
We're Done


Sleeping in Ethan's bed the night before was bliss. I hadn't slept that hard since I was young. I knew without a doubt the next morning when we got up that things were headed in a different direction for us. Whatever strife and mystery we kept cycling around individually and collectively was over.

I was going to make sure of it.

"Again. Let's go." Frank clapped his hands together and made a nasty sound. "There needs to be some heavy emotion here. I know we're all finding resolution and real life is great, but you two are in the fight of your life on screen. Try it again. Slap him, Riley. Hard!"

"Yeah. Real hard, baby." Ethan wagged his eyebrows and moved back into place, his dark eyes dragging me in deep. Maybe us working together was a bad idea.

"And action!" Frank yelled.

"I can't believe you." I put my hands on my hips and narrowed my eyes at him, playing the part written for me.

"What did you expect?" He growled low in his chest, and fuck if my hormones didn't do a happy dan
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