
Why is He Here?


The look on Ethan's face haunted me as I drove home. Had I played into some sick game that Clayton was playing with the handsome playboy?

No. I knew what I was doing, and it seemed that Ethan did too. I needed him to tell me that he loved me, and he stumbled over it three different times before finally blurting it out in a last-ditch effort to appease me.

I knew what real love looked like. A sick smile lifted my lips. I'd seen it in the movies.

Tears burned my gaze as I reached up and ran my fingers down my sticky wet hair. Too much hair spray, which I hated anyway. Why had I let them doll me up?

Right. Because I belonged to them. They could do whatever they wanted to with me thanks to me signing on the dotted line, and all for what?

Fame? Adoring fans that really didn't know anything about me?

Ethan's attention?

No. None of those things seemed to matter as I pulled into the apartment complex that Charlotte and I were renting. Jace's truck was parked in a visitor spot, and I tho
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