

The wizard immediately rushed to see the King and tell him that he should permit him so that they can go into the ancient temple and see all the Prophecy written on the wall because strange things are happening.

The king told the wizard to go ahead but the king son stood up and said

"No father! you can't do that, the temple is evil and we all know it!"

The king's son asked the wizard to look for another way to solve any problems they're facing. Then the king also backed his son up

"I think my son is right."

The wizard tries to confuse the king but the king did not give in attention then the wizard went back home Rosita was already waiting for him. The wizard explained to Rosita that the king refused to give order so that he can go to where they can get a solution to treat Katrine better.

The Wizard asked Rosita to go to the village library and look for a book that was written two hundred years ago and has a pyramid mark on its cover, but Ros

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