

The next morning brought with it a topic I thought we had dropped the night before. Not going to lie, my heart sank as when I realized Lin had no intention of dropping his unexpected decision to homeschool our children.

It felt like the ground beneath my feet was slipping away, and a wave of worry washed over me. However, I knew that arguing with Lin at that moment would only lead to more tension between us.

Resigned to the idea, I nodded slowly. "Alright, Lin. If you believe it's best for their safety, then I will trust your judgment," I said, my voice tinged with a mix of acceptance and concern. I mean, I got the idea, the whole reason why. But Emily and Ethan needed friends, did they not? Having an alpha for a father already made making friends kind of tough, and they would be homeschooled too? What? Would they be outcasts now?

Nevertheless, I understood the security concerns so the only thing I could rationally do was shut up and accept it, and if by some weird working of fate it
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