
Drive you


I had no idea why I felt like Hardin had casted all his hatred on me with that single stare. He was angry, and it was obvious on his face, however I was unaware of the wrong that I had done to receive such a threatening glare from him.

He had no idea that I was there to support him, so I couldn't really blame him. After I had overheard his discussion with Sandro and Alex, I had been worried sick for him. I knew his love for lacrosse, though his performance had not been really great at recent times from what I heard

I had gained information from my eavesdropping that the captain of the lacrosse team would be selected through the feats and performances on the field, as well as academic performance too. It was obvious lacrosse practice wasn't going entirely well for Hardin, and with the decline in his academics, there was no way he was going to make captain.

After I had finished eavesdropping on his conversation that day, I had rushed towards the cafeteria to have a chat with Lo
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Mga Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
What happened to her running away?
goodnovel comment avatar
4 chapters ago he was forcing himself on her, now she’s doing his homework? Is it like the whole kill them with kindness sort of deal? ...
goodnovel comment avatar
I really hope this is a turning point for them.
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