


It’s been three days since I found out I was pregnant and things haven’t been the same for me. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I’d lost every bit of freedom that was left for me. This pregnancy is an end game for me. If I have this child, I wouldn’t be able to do anything for myself anymore. I’ll have to stay beside Luka for the rest of my life. I’ll have to be his trophy woman for as long as I live.

This wasn’t what I wanted. This wasn’t the way I planned it and I’m so stupid for giving in several times to Luka without thinking of what the effect would be.

I keep turning and tossing through the night, finding it difficult to sleep. I could hear Luka’s heavy breathing and footsteps at an interval and I knew he wasn’t sleeping as well. He was probably busy with work.

By morning, I’d browsed the ten thousand ways to get rid of a child. The safest was going back to the hospital but I doubt if they would perform the procedure without telling Luka about it. I wish I wa
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