
50 | I am coming

Ananya's POV 

"Please sit," the doctor asked him to sit and he sat in front of him. I was standing behind the door where he could not see me but I can hear their conversation from this position. 

"Firstly tell me, how is my son? Is he alright?"

"Mr. Malhotra please calm down and listen with patience to the thing I am going to tell you" 

He took a deep breath to calm himself. The doctor is increasing my blood pressure. 

"I have checked Aarav and the symptoms that his body is showing are not good" the Doctor continued. 

"What do you mean? Please tell everything clearly and don't beat around the bush" he was sounding irritated. 

"I guess he is suffering from severe aplastic anemia" 

"What!" he stood up. 

The doctor has thrown a nuclear bomb on us. I don't know much about this disease but the tens

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goodnovel comment avatar
I hope your son is fine now 🧡.
goodnovel comment avatar
Omg as a parent been that situation I totally feel his pain . My son diagnosed rare bone cancer few yrs back totally cause our world collapsed at that time ! No parents should ever have to go through that ! The twist of this storyline is so real ! Look forward how he can be saved !

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