

And not in a good way.

Tension bounced between us on the drive back to the hotel, and when we arrived, he all but carried me into the elevator that would take us up to our suite. Still, he didn’t say a word, but the ticking in his jaw told me just how pissed off he was.

I kicked off my shoes inside the suite and chucked my purse onto one of the sofas. No words left him as I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my clothes.

Who the fuck does he think he is? Coming in there and dragging me away like that? What gives him the right to do that?

Oh, that’s right. He owns me because he spends his endless amounts of cash on my time. I forgot about the part where I’m supposed to appreciate that gesture.

I scrubbed my hair and body under the hot spray of the shower, and once I was clean, I got out, still angry. I was so angry I could barely f

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