

My body responded to him instantly, easily. The desire that had been building all day consumed me, and the heady feeling made me lose myself in the sweet stroke of his tongue across mine.

“Tan hermoso,” he murmured, his teeth grazing my bottom lip. He sat up and I moved to sink my fingers in his hair, but I was trapped.

He had tied my wrists to the bed. With his tie.

“I told you… Tonight is mine. I can’t explore you and pleasure you the way I want unless you’re not touching me.”

I wanted to argue and fight with him, but the lust that filled his eyes as his gaze travelled across my nearly naked body stopped me. Instead of annoyance, red-hot desire wrapped around me and I gave in to him.

My heart pounded at the slow, reverent way he kissed his way down my neck and across my collarbone. Everything about the way he was touching me was

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