
(Devil’s Marraige Trap) Ace & Nina - Chapter 42 - problem in head…!!!

When he returned to his senses, he wanted to punch his brain; what was he thinking?

“If you want to stay out so badly, stay there, but my son is not well; he shouldn’t stay out in this cold weather.” Ace suddenly changed his tone and said grumpily.

Adam looked at him with bloodthirsty eyes; the moment this man would open his mouth, he constantly spouted nonsense; he was the one who took Noah to pick up Nina from the airport, and now his son would get sick if he stayed outside the outside a few more seconds, who he was kidding? He wanted to vent his frustration, so he dared to scold the girl from their house.

“Mr Welsh, if you don’t open your mouth too frequently, no one would think you’re mute.” Adam looked at Ace and said with a mocking glance.

Ace’s mind almost blasted with his words; he had been having mood swings since seeing this girl face to face, yet Adam’s words ignited the fire in his brain. “Mr Richard, no one would think you’re dumb if you keep your ear shut.” He replied wi
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