
Chapter- [ 59 ]

[ Sebestian ]

Charlotte felt drained out after dancing for hours, she was a little tipsy too. So, she went to rest for a while but I stayed on the floor, dancing with two girls who were actually fun to talk.

I was lost in the rocking music when I saw something which burnt my heart with jealousy.

I couldn't be hallucinating Charlotte with Benjamin.

He couldn't be here. It was an exclusive party. But what triggered my anger more was his hands on my wife's back as they swayed on the dance floor.

I blinked my eyes to erase the eye sore image but they were there. I wasn't dreaming. I balled my fists and with three long strands, I was standing close to them.

"Don't touch my wife!" I yelled and pulled her out of his grip. They were taken aback by my violent action. Though, others were oblivious to our little commotion.

"Seb, what are you doing? We're guests here." She whispered under gritted teeth and passed him a nervous smile.

What the hell was wrong with this woman? She's siding with her
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