

"The hell," the guy groaned as he got up, his hand went to his nose and the moment he pulled it back, a shocked look pulled up his and Justin's face.

His nose was bleeding.

"You fucke..."

"Hey, hey hey hey, calm down," Justin stepped forward with his hand out just in time as the guy made a dash at Will, "It was an accident."

"No it wasn't," Will streched

"Yes, it was, Will." Justin dragged as he glanced back at Will to give him a look that clearly warned him not to make matters worse.

"An accident my foot, I saw your friend there stick out his foot,"

"If you saw it then you should've avoided it or jumped over it, afterall you seem good at jumping relationships." Will shot back

"I don't see how the fuck that's any of your business, you freaking made my nose bleed. What if it's broken? what would you do about that?"

"What do you want us to do about that?" Justin asked as he could tell where he was heading to

"Hospital bills aren't cheap anymore," the guy replied and they heard Will sno
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