
She was pregnant

She was pregnant.

Carina stared at the closed door where the OB/GYN room disappeared. (OB/GYN stands for obstetrician/gynecologist. That's room for women's reproductive health.) Yes, she was feeling a little nauseous. And yes, she forgot about her period when she should, but it was easy to blame stress. The roller coaster of the past few holidays with her family and work and Eric. And why are you able when you're on birth control pills?

The doctor's words rang in her ears.

"Have you taken any medications in the past month?" he asked her.

"No. I only take Tylenol when I have an oil ache... but wait, I do. I just went through a bout of pneumonia and I have to..." She traced her forgotten knowledge.

The doctor nodded. "Antibiotics. The doctor should have warned you that it will decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills. Actually, I've seen this happen many times. I hope that's good news?"

A longing welled up from deep within her and rose like an emotional star. Yes. It is good ne
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