
3 million views

"Sara's point of view,"

"Congratulations, Authoress Naughty, you nailed it once again." Neil's cheerful voice pierced my ear as I was typing my new article on my laptop.

"What happened? What makes you sound so joyful?" I looked up to see his face.

"3 million people read your recent article."

This is astounding news.

I find it hard to believe.

"Alright, fine, if you don't trust me, then check it out for yourself." In front of me on the laptop screen, he flipped to the page of my previous work.

"Three million views and 1 lakh comments.

Wow, this is a source of incredible joy for me."

"Sara, I bet the last article brought in a ton of money for you." I checked my author's account after listening to his inquiry.

"Yes, my publishing house has given me a considerable sum this time around. With this much money, I could pay college fees, rent for my apartment, buy medicine for my sick mother, and yes, even buy myself some new clothes. And..."I put my hand on my chin and started thinking about what to do with the rest of the money.

"Since you haven't given me a gift for my birthday yet, you are also welcome to buy me a Christmas present." After listening to Neil, I realized that I had not yet given him a good gift.

"I'm sorry, Neil, but I was unable to get you anything other than a homemade cake for your birthday."

Honestly, I feel terrible about this. I've been dating him for the past five years, but I've never given him a gift. I couldn't do anything, but thank him for the countless times he gave me money out of his pocket to buy my mother's medication. I had no money before, but now I want to get him a wonderful present.

"You let me know what you'd want as a gift." I gave him an affectionate gaze.

"Sara, I want an electric guitar." He responded to my query right away.

"Electric guitar,"

hmm... I estimated the guitar's price in my mind. I will have enough money left over after paying for my mother's medicine and apartment rent, but I won't have enough money left over to cover my tuition costs or buy a new outfit for Christmas for myself or Neil.

I took a close look at Neil's eagerness. Well, I'll ask the teacher at my school to collect my tuition next month, and I'll buy a new dress thereafter.

"Okay, Neil, please tell me which guitar you love playing." I inquired, pointing to a digital guitar on my screen.

"I want this guitar." He made a finger gesture toward a guitar.

"The Taylor electric guitar." Oh no, I can't afford this instrument; the price is just too exorbitant. But I can't say no to Neil because I agreed to buy him a Christmas present of his choice. But how will I afford to spend that much? The money from my upcoming article will be used to cover my rent.

It will be alright, yes.

"Okay, Neil, I've placed your order for the guitar of your choice. Perform a Christmas carol on guitar for me this holiday season."

"Sara, you are the best girlfriend in the entire world." He exclaimed, embracing me with joy.

"Neil, you are also the best boyfriend in the world because, without your encouragement, I would never have been able to accomplish this." When I thought about my past difficulties, I could not control my tears.

"I do not like seeing tears in your eyes, Sara, so please stop sobbing." He used his thumb to dab away the tears that had fallen down my cheek.

"Neil, I love you."

"I also love you, Sara." He attempted to kiss me while keeping his face close to mine.

"No, Neil, we'll have our first kiss at the wedding." I pushed him away from me right away.

"Come on, Sara, we've been dating for the past five years, and you still won't let me kiss you. Who would have thought that a famous author of erotica wouldn't let her boyfriend kiss her until now?" He spoke in a whiny manner.

"shhh..., speak slowly Neil, if the people who live in the adjoining flats hear it, they will surely expel me from the neighborhood. Also, I don't currently have enough money to rent another apartment."

"Don't worry, Sara; I'll be getting married to you as soon as my internship is done." Kissing my forehead, he said.

"I, too, cannot wait for that time to come. Right now, I need to finish the draft of my new piece and send it to the editor. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, Sara, good night." He walked away and left me alone in my room.

"Hmm, well done, Miss Sara Grace.

3 million is not bad." On my laptop screen, I once again saw my most recent article, 'Naughty Nights with Dominant Girl'.

When I first opened the comments section and began reading them, I focused on a profile called lusty fringe. This one profile has contributed about 80% of the comments on my articles. Who is there to read the same article repeatedly and leave comments each time?

It shocked me as I read those comments.

Oh no, I have to prepare a new article and mail it to my editor by tomorrow morning. As soon as I heard my phone go off with its alarm, I sprang into action and started typing some words. My editor dropped the mail on my desk at around three in the morning.

"How the hell did this happen?

Now, what do I do?" As soon as I opened the mail and read the contents, I felt as if they had swept the floor out from under me.

The publishing house where I used to work recently changed ownership. The new owner of the publishing company claims that no author can now work online while maintaining confidentiality. Each writer will only need to visit the publishing house once to sign the contract under the revised terms.

I can't do that since doing so would require me to divulge my true identity to the publishing house. But they will terminate my contract if I refuse to agree to their terms. For me, losing this job would mean returning to my earlier days.

No, I do not want to return to that life full of poverty and humiliation, and then the responsibility for my mother's treatment is also on me. Before I started writing articles online, I had applied for jobs many times, but because I had not finished my education, I could not land a position at any reputable company. I held positions ranging from housekeeper to server, but no job offered a salary that met my needs.

I learned about an online erotica article competition one day, and I decided to enter to test my creative abilities. By God's mercy, they proclaimed me the winner of the contest and awarded the sum of $5,000. I had no clue that the publishing business would offer me a job writing four stories a week after I won the contest.

I had better keep my real identity a secret because if my well-respected dad and my friends had found out about my online work, my dad would have humiliated me once more and perhaps used his power to close down that publishing firm. Neil was the only one who understood the truth about me.

But now that the new owner has moved in, I am facing a significant challenge. After all, what am I supposed to do in this situation?

After giving it much consideration, I decided to answer the email.

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