
Pain and heartbreak

Judith's POV,

Days had turned into weeks, and still, I couldn't shake the pain. It was like an open wound, festering and refusing to heal. I had been through breakups before, but never had I felt such agony. It was as if my heart had been ripped out of my chest, leaving a gaping hole in its place. I tried to distract myself, to move on, but nothing seemed to help. The hurt was too deep, the ache too raw. I felt like I was drowning in my misery, with no way out.

I put on a brave face every day, pretending that I had moved on, that I was okay. But as soon as I caught sight of Maxwell, all the pain came rushing back, like a dam bursting inside of me. We worked together, and there was no way to avoid him completely. Even if there had been, I knew that deep down I didn't want to. I was drawn to him, like a moth to a flame, knowing full well that it could only lead to disaster. I was caught in a web of my own making, unable to break free.

I longed for the day I would wake up from this nigh
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