
Saving his ass

Judith's POV,

I couldn't understand why I had agreed to help Max cover up his mess when all I truly desired was for him and Amihan to be separated. I questioned my own resolve, wondering if I had the strength to see this through. Just then, the shrill beeping of my phone broke the silence, jolting me back to the present moment.

"Hey, bestie!" I greeted her with a forced cheerfulness, hoping to mask the turmoil I felt within.

"Hi, girl!" She responded, her voice bright and energetic, obviously excited that I had called.

"How're you doing?" Her excitement was palpable, even over the phone. I took a deep breath and steeled myself for what I was about to do.

"I'm fine," I said, trying to keep my voice level despite the turmoil I felt inside. I forced a smile, though I knew it didn't reach my eyes. I could feel Maxwell's gaze upon me, and I could sense his uneasiness and fear. It only made the situation worse, and I felt my irritation rising.

"You're not fine," She said, her voice gentl
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