

Chapter: 61.


That evening both men had returned home exhausted. Tide was lying at the bottom of the pool when both men arrived at the pool. For a moment there they panicked something was wrong but relaxed once they saw him breathing.

"Tide, baby, you awake?" Alexander called and the merman opened tired eyes to acknowledge them but made no effort to come to the surface.

The merman had spent the entire day thinking about his city, his home, Neptune, his mother, father, and brother, Nixie his friend, and his little merbabies from school. He wondered how Aquarial was holding up with his absence. Has Neptune taken another Tideian? What is the fate of the mermen who had betrayed him? Had they been discovered for their crime? That's very likely. Neptune would rage without his Tideian and the Festival could be held until his return. Surely, Naga must have seen into his fate and known he's still alive and if he's aware then Neptune must be aware too.

He misses home.

His duties?

They w
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