

Chapter: 140.


She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Her heart broke into a million tiny pieces as it sunk to her stomach and felt like someone was using her intestines to strangle it. Every organ constricted like someone had put a vice around her neck and was squeezing the life out of her chest with everything they had. All other thoughts fled from her mind as her breathing grew ragged. And when they returned, they were replaced with more fear. The cold dread seeped through every corner of her body as she tried to get her legs working again. She couldn't run. Not now, not ever. Her legs might shake but her legs wouldn't move on their own. But, she had to defend herself and so she tried.

"How dare you speak of me like that!" Maria exclaimed, jumping to her feet in anger and stepping towards him, her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Michael shrugged indifferently. "That's the truth. I'm done playing nice with you."

"I just lost our baby and this is what you do to me!
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