
A crush

Hours later ...

"Oh wow, this place looks absolutely beautiful," Eleanor gushed as the air hostess showed them to their space.

"I didn't even check the envelope sir Marshall gave,"

"I had no idea it was first class," Eleanor said as the settled into their space on the airplane.

"What were you thinking?! That I would fly Economy?! Of course not!" He replied and she scoffed playfully as she rolled her eyes.

"Proud much," she murmured and he laughed.

"Have a seat, we'll take off soon," he said and she nodded slowly as she took her seat beside him.

Shortly after the voice of the Pilot came, instructing them on what to do before the flight take off.

"So when does your flight issue begin?!" Eleanor asked as she did her seat belt and turned to face Arthur.

"Oh you don't wanna know!" He replied and she laughed.

"Oh wow,"


Back in Canada ....

Wilson Corporation Headquarters .. ..

"Mrs Taylor has concluded the whole signing process,"

"She's now officially one of us," Matthew said a
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