
Chapter 5

Sophia's irritation was palpable as she addressed Alexander. "What? You want me to act as your girlfriend for a while?" she questioned, the annoyance evident in her voice. "How did we get here? From you being all mean and arrogant," she added, her frustration mounting.

As Sophia spoke, Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes, her frustration evident in her composure. "Okay, we get it. Yes, you're a billionaire, but that doesn't mean you can just do anything you like and order people around!" Emma exclaimed, her voice rising with every word.

Jake, sensing the tension, intervened with a firm tone. "If that's all you have to say, Mr. Alexander, we would like to bid you farewell now," he stated, his voice unwavering.

Sophia, maintaining her composure, addressed Alexander once more. "I've already apologized to you personally. I'll make a public apology to you in the media," she stated calmly.

Alexander, rubbing his temple in frustration, responded, "I know that came off as rude, but it's the least you could do. Otherwise, I'm going to press charges."

Emma, her fury evident, confronted Alexander directly. "Are you threatening her right now?" she demanded, her gaze piercing as she locked eyes with him.

Alexander excused himself as his phone rang, leaving Emma and Sophia alone for a moment. Emma let out a frustrated sigh, her annoyance with Alexander evident in her words.

"That man gets on my every nerve," Emma muttered, shooting a disdainful glance in Alexander's direction as he took the call.

Sophia nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting the weight of the situation. "It isn't even confirmed that I am his actual girlfriend yet, and all his fans are already about to kill me," she lamented, her voice tinged with frustration. "Did you see those mean comments?" she added, turning to Emma.

Emma's gaze softened as she listened to Sophia's concerns. "If I confirm it, they will get off your back, trust me," Alexander interjected as he returned to their conversation, his voice laced with assurance.

Sophia's eyebrows furrowed in skepticism, her doubts apparent in her tone. "If I apologize publicly, they will call me crazy for a while, but then something else will happen, and the attention will be off of me," she retorted, her voice sharp with frustration and resignation.

As the tension lingered in the air, Emma exchanged a knowing glance with Sophia, silently conveying her support.

"I guess I'd prefer to apologize publicly than fake being in a relationship with you," Sophia said firmly, her resolve shining through her words.

Alexander let out an exasperated sigh, feeling the frustration mounting within him. "I think I came off with the wrong approach by threatening to press charges. Let me offer you compensation instead," he suggested, his tone attempting to convey sincerity.

However, Jake's reaction was swift and fierce, his eyes flashing with fury as he addressed Alexander. "Did she ask for your money? She doesn't need it," Jake retorted, annoyance evident in his tone as he defended Sophia's integrity.

Sophia watched the exchange between Alexander and Jake, a mixture of determination and apprehension swirling within her. She had no intention of accepting money from Alexander, but she also knew she couldn't continue living under the weight of his false accusations.

Emma, sensing the tension in the room, stepped in with a calm yet authoritative demeanor. "Let's not resort to accusations or offers of compensation. We need to find a solution that works for everyone," she suggested, her voice carrying a hint of urgency.

"I'll give you just one day to think about it," Alexander declared, rising to his feet with a sense of finality. "You know what will happen if you don't get back to me. My fans aren't known for their patience," he added, his tone tinged with a hint of warning as he made his way towards the door, his departure signaling the end of their tense conversation.

Sophia watched him leave, a mix of relief and apprehension washing over her. She knew she needed time to consider her options, but the pressure of Alexander's ultimatum weighed heavily on her mind. She couldn't ignore the reality of the situation: her life was now entangled with that of a billionaire, and the consequences of her actions would ripple far beyond her control.

As the door closed behind Alexander, a heavy silence descended upon the room, each of them lost in their own thoughts. Sophia glanced at Emma and Jake, their expressions mirroring her own turmoil.

Taking a deep breath, Sophia knew she had a decision to make, one that would shape the course of her future. But for now, she needed time to process, to weigh her options, and to find the strength to face whatever lay ahead.



As Sophia lay in bed, the soft glow of the stickers on her ceiling casting an ethereal light, she couldn't shake the weight of the decision looming over her. The room felt smaller, suffocating almost, as the darkness outside crept in through the windows.

With a sigh, she reached for her phone, its screen illuminating the dimly lit room. Two new messages blinked on the screen, both from unfamiliar numbers. Sophia's heart skipped a beat as she read the first one, her fingers trembling slightly.

"The clock is ticking, hurry up and make a decision, Sophia " the message read, its tone sharp and urgent. 

"Don't bother wondering how I got your number, it's a normal thing for people in my class," it concluded, signed with the name Alexander Harrington.

Sophia's mind raced as she stared at the message, her thoughts swirling with confusion and apprehension. How had Alexander obtained her number? What did he mean by "people in my class"? The cryptic nature of the message only added to her unease, casting a shadow of doubt over her already troubled mind.

She glanced at the second message, hesitating before opening it. 

You have been ignoring my calls right?” You sent only Eighty percent of the money last month and you haven't paid that of this month. Do you want me to run my mouth to the press?

As Sophia read the message, the words cut through her like a knife, each accusation adding weight to the burden she carried. She felt the familiar sting of tears behind her eyes, a mixture of frustration, fear, and anger bubbling up inside her. Sophia knew the text message was from Camelia.

"Why does she keep doing this? It's like she doesn't even care about Emily anymore. How much more does she want from me?” Sophia muttered to herself, her voice barely above a whisper.

With trembling hands, she typed out a reply to Camelia's message, promising to send the outstanding balance from last month and the payment for the current month. It was a temporary fix, a desperate attempt to appease Camelia and stave off the looming threat of public humiliation.

Sophia became sure of the decision she would make, she didn't need to think about it too much anymore. She needed an extra source of income.

I will do it” She replied to the text from Alexander that she had read earlier wiping the tears that had now rushed sudden her face with the back of her palm. 

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